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Open Ateliers

Feldmochingerstr. 7/Ecke Dachauerstraße
6. June 2015
  • This event has passed.

Open day in the former Michael-Unholzer-Trachtenfabrik!
For one day, I open my studio to the public – together with the other artists over there.
Apart from art and culture, the physical well-being is taken care of (Grill’n’Drink) and of course there is also creative live music (DJs, bands and performance).
Discover the variety of artistic activities: From digital to analogue painting, photography, music, product design, handicrafts, fashion design, video art, graphics and many other varieties of art, creativity en masse can be found here.


Date: 6. June 2015


Venue Name: Michael Unholzer Atelierhaus
Address: Feldmochingerstr. 7/Ecke Dachauerstraße
München, 80992 Germany

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Organizer Name: super+ STUDIO GmbH & Co. KG